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Goualade - église (1)
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Eglise de Goualade to Goualade

This is the richest church in terms of paintings in the Bazadais. The entrance door, restored in 1999, dates from the Henry IV period, as does the grain chest at the entrance. This chest was used to receive donations and taxes.

While the church is Romanesque, the two sides are Gothic, and as you move forward you will discover the holy table in Pyrenean marble, also listed and restored in 1997. The altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary, restored in 1999, is also listed and the paintings are exactly the same as the original.

The central altarpiece is an admirable treasure trove of quality in every respect. Above this altarpiece, paintings from the 12th century were discovered during restoration work in 97/98, hidden under a layer of plaster. These partly hidden paintings depict God the father blessing, holding a disc representing the world, with the evangelists around represented by their animals.