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Cazats - palombière M. Laporte
Cazats - palombière M. Laporte (12)
Cazats - palombière M. Laporte
Cazats - palombière M. Laporte (12)

La Palombière de Michel to Cazats

Do you know what “mal bleu” is?

It’s a local disease that spreads like a virus every October: woodpigeon hunting!

By manoeuvring decoys, the paloumayres attract the flights of these birds that migrate from northern Europe to the Iberian Peninsula, so that they land on the trees of the palombière and then on the ground, where they are caught in nets. To be invited is an absolute privilege! For a few hours, you can immerse yourself in this tradition, right in the heart of the forest, at Michel’s “palombière”.

dates and times

Visite uniquement sur rendez-vous en dehors de la période de chasse (octobre-novembre).

Price list

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