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Goualade - bergerie ronde (1)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (3)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (4)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (2)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (5)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (1)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (3)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (4)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (2)
Goualade - bergerie ronde (5)

Bergerie ronde (ou courbe) de Goualade to Goualade

At the end of the 19th century, there were almost 230 sheepfolds of this type in the region. Today, only the Goualade sheepfold remains, and it is the most remarkable. It has a masonry enclosure of alios and limestone rubble over 20 metres in diameter. This type of building provided shelter for flocks of sheep at night, to protect them from bad weather and wolves, but also enabled them to harvest the manure that was essential for cultivating the few hectares of poor soil near the tenant farms. The sheepfold is listed in the Supplementary Inventory of Historic Monuments.