Cafés Philo to Rions
Le 25/02/2025The Cafés Philosophiques led by philosophy teacher Serge Champeau have been part of the Cercle Populaire de Rions programme since September 2023.
Doors open at 5.30pm.
- Le 25/02/202517:30
- Le 25/03/202517:30
- Le 22/04/202517:30
- Le 13/05/202517:30
- Le 10/06/202517:30
Price list
Plein tarif
Adhésion à l'année à l'assocition du Cercle from 6€ -
Plein tarif
50 centimes par jour de présence (à ajouter aux frais de participation de 2 €). from 2.5€
Membership of our association costs €6 per year. Those who do not wish to join for the year can pay 50 cents per day of attendance (to be added to the €2 participation fee).
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