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Alain Chamfort

Musical conversations with Alain Chamfort to Captieux

Le 05/10/2024

Alain Chamfort has come up with a special treat for his fans: LE MEILLEUR DE MOI-MÊME, a show featuring the greatest songs of his career, in which he will give himself over to the game of a live interview. With a mix of confidences and piano, this unique event will highlight songs from his repertoire (Manureva, Bambou, Chasseur d… Ivoire, …) and other, lesser-known nuggets from the albums of his career.


Tickets at Captieux town hall, Office de Tourisme du Bazadais, Espace culturel Leclerc, Ticketmaster.fr, Fnac, Carrefour, Auchan, Cultura, Intermarché and Super U

  • Le 05/10/202421:00

Price list

  • Plein tariff
    from 25€
  • Gratuit
    - 18 years old