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Bord de Canal à vélos
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Bord de Canal à vélos
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Balade à roulettes : Les écluses du Canal de Garonne to Castets et castillon

3 km(s) 45 mn Difficulty : Easy Very easy
Etape 1 Depuis le parking, dirigez-vous vers le port et le restaurant l'Écluse 52. Continuez la balade sur la voie verte, le long du canal.
Etape 2 Franchissez le pont et continuez sur l'autre rive vers l'est.
Etape 3 Arrivé au pont suivant, faites demi-tour et revenez par le même chemin.

Before the Canal des Deux Mers was built, the only way to get from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic was via the Straits of Gibraltar. This meant that sailors had to travel more than 3,000 km, facing storms and pirates. Since ancient times, people have been looking for a faster and less dangerous way to link these two shores of France. This is what the Canal du Midi and then the Canal de Garonne, which you are following here, made possible.

Balades à Roulettes® (BR®) are short, leisurely walks, with a pushchair or small bike, or adapted for people with reduced mobility (in a wheelchair), offered by the Fédération Française de Randonnée de la Gironde.